All the Gods are mortal... Contemplative ! ![]() For myself I would like this to be well understood : I want the painter's gesture and not that of the photographer ; the paste and material of a "whipped hazard"... The hazard in the gesture must be maintained in order not to become a servant of the fantastic, a banal sentry on guard along the dream pathway, awaiting the mysterious...! 1982 |
EXHIBITION PROJECT "REGES CRINII" Gallery 5 rue Audran, 75018 PARIS May 1983 The idea is to operate a decompartimentalization of the public and an opening up of Painting in proposing an exhibition in a meeting place where the public, poets, photographers, musicians, painters and sculptors etc. can find themselves. Actually, the paintings that have been judged just as paintings do in fact treat and testify not only to a theme of universal mythology but also an ultra contemporary (state?) which clearly engage , at the same time, the present and the future of mankind ; we would like to express this as "the possible encounter with others"... Therefore the traditional public of Art should be asking questions other than the exclusively aesthetical - and a little out of date in our opinion - and the public, fascinated by this theme ( just contradictory passions begat by subjects relating to "extra-terrestrials") will be confronted by one of the many plastic translations. The Public : children, adolescents and adults is invited to participate in proposing their precise representations. Children's drawings made in workshops on this theme will be attached to this exhibition (painting workshop, Erlanger School 16, animated by Monique and J.F. Deluol). It is important to return to the theme, after all is said and done, in our humble opinion, We should also like to treat this fascinating theme for the imagination of our contemporise, too often reduced and banalized, bogged down, without any real conscience of being part of a COSMIC WHOLE. Jean-François DELUOL |